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YouTube, Social Media and the internet in Nature Conservation


The intention of this compilation is to illustrate the use and potential of the internet as a tool for the purposes of education in both educating and being educated from a South African perspective.


South Africa features great plant and animal diversity coupled with breath taking scenery of unspoilt terrain. This is a goldmine for South Africa in drawing overseas tourist, which make a significant contribution to our economy.


Many South Africans are extremely experienced and knowledgeable in wildlife matters, regardless of whether they are employed within an environmental field of work.


With the use of the internet South Africans act as ambassadors for Southern Africa in promoting the natural splendour of this country to the world.


The information age the world is now finding itself in is still in its infancy and we now have access to technology that previous generations could not even imagine.


The effective use of this technology in the form of computers and the internet contributes in itself to the conservation of our natural resources by reducing the carbon footprint left by the destructive industries associated with the traditional publishing practices.


The skills and knowledge required for ordinary people to share their knowledge and experiences with the world is now freely available to anybody with acces to the internet.


Employment within nature conservation in South Africa is a highly competitive industry. As is work of any description as good jobs are precious and hard to come by.


A unfortunate reality is that any environmental or conservation orientated enterprise is often seen as a charity instead of a lucrative business venture. This mindset is counter productive to the view that profitable is the opposite of environmentally friendly.


The power of the internet is now available to anybody to make a difference by displaying their knowledge, experiences and views to the world. In doing so the individual imparts a message to a receptive audience and simultaneously markets their own abilities and skills.


The internet now also opens doors for new entrants in the business world who with entrepreneurial spirit create their own lucrative online businesses and suplement their existing incomes with proceeds of the internet.


The worldwide Web unfortunately also comes with internet predators who deceive millions into parting with their hard earned money by falling for pipe dreams and following pots of gold at the end of the proverbial rainbow.



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